Accreditation and certificate
Has accreditation been requested for my profession? You can see whether accreditation has been requested by looking on the course page. You can find a list with the accreditation points per professional association that have been applied for (and granted) in the blue block on this course page. If there are no entries, then no accreditation has been requested (yet).
How many accreditation points do I receive? The amount of accreditation points that you receive can be found on the page of the course. Click on the course catalogue on the homepage and select your course. You can find a list with the accreditation points per professional association in the blue block on this course page. If your professional association is not on this list, then no accreditation has been requested with this association. If there are no entries, then no accreditation points has been requested (yet).
The course page states that accreditation has been requested from ABC1, what does this abbreviation stand for? ABC1 stands for 'The Accreditation Bureau Cluster 1'. This is the accreditation agency for general practitioners, elderly care physician and physician in intellectual disability medicine in the Netherlands. This means that upon completion of the course accreditation points are awarded to these professional groups by us in PE-online.
The course page states that accreditation has been requested from ABAN, what does this abbreviation stand for? ABAN (Accreditation Bureau General Continuing Education) is the organization where accreditation can be requested for general continuing medical education courses. General continuing education is education that is not subject-specific, for example: health law, medical ethics, communication, management skills and the healthcare system. Continuing education that (partly) involves medical practice and is also intended and proportionally suitable for several specialisms may also qualify for accreditation by the ABAN. An example of this is medical education on MS that highlights the disease for multiple specialisms.
When is accreditation credited? We will process the awarded accreditation points as quickly as possible after the course ended, based on the attendance list.
My points have not been credited yet? If your points have not been added to your account yet, please send us an email including your BIG-number ( We will check why the points have not been added yet.
Where can I find my certificate? You can find the certificates in your ‘My Boerhaave account’. You can download your certificate when you are logged in. You can find the documents of completed courses via the link behind the title of the course.