Personal details
Change or view account
I have lost my password/ I need a new password? No problem. Go to ‘Login’ and click on the link ‘Forgot password’. You can enter your email address here. When your email address is in our system you will receive an email containing a link through which you can create a new password. Did you not receive an email? The email might be in your spam folder. Do you have multiple email addresses? Then it is possible that you are registered with one of your other email addresses.
My email address has changed, how can I adjust this? After you have logged in on your ‘My Boerhaave account’, you can change your email address under the tab ‘My details’.
My account has been blocked. What can I do? If your account has been blocked you can send an email to, whilst using the reference ‘My account has been blocked’. Please also add your initials and surname in the email. Once we received your email, we will make sure you can access your account again.
Address change
How can I communicate my change of address? After you have logged in on your ‘My Boerhaave account’, you can change your address under the tab ‘My details’.
I have received mail at my post address that is not addressed to me. How can I contact you about this? We kindly request that you send an email to We will change the address details in our database.