• Start date:
  • 18 December 2017
  • Duration:
  • 5 days
  • Intended Audience:
  • Resident physician, General practitioner, Medical specialist, PhD, Geriatric, Student, Nurse practitioner


  • ABAN:
  • 24

This course was held in 2018. 

Population Health Management Course - Governance (leading expert: Public Administration) (course 2) is about Health care professionals face ageing populations, rising health care costs, fragmented health care supply and advancing medical technologies and IT systems. Integration of care requires more and more collaboration between professionals and organizations in health care networks. Apparent competing interests need to be aligned for the health of the individual and population. These developments go beyond every day practice and do require advanced competences in governance and organizational – and planning skills for health care professionals, management and leaders of related organizations.

Theoretical lectures and methodology will be complemented with practical work through the Population and Governance Lab with and within the population and organizations in The Hague area. This winter course is an in-depth addition to the knowledge acquired during the PHM Summercourse, but is also very valuable for those who are new to the subject PHM. It is open to Summercourse students as well as to new applicants. 

The Population Health Management, Governance (PHM-governance) course aims at 

  • Professionals who are able to work together in enhancing the health care system and advocating health care solutions in the broadest sense. 
  • Professionals who want to take responsibilities and organize an integrated approach to improve health in defined risk populations.
  • Organizations that support the transformation into integrated health systems. 

Target group

The partners of the LUMC-Campus The Hague offer the course PHM for

  • health care professionals,

  • staff members

  • PhD fellows in Health and Healthcare related science,

  • MD specialist trainees in primary, elderly and secondary care and Public Health and

  • master students


  • Want to become change agents to support the development of a more integrated health care system.
  • Have an open attitude towards a new paradigm for health care.

The programme has a solid structure consisting of various elements. Each day is organised around one aspect of health care governance. The day starts with a theoretical morning (theoretical and interactive lectures). After lunch students take part in the population and governance lab. A three hour practical working group (5/6 students) around a week assignment. Each day ends with a capita selecta, in which the stake holders reflect on their own position and interests.

During this week we operate from macro to micro governance. We start with a discussion at the national and local policy levels, followed by the meso level where inter-organisational networks need to be governed, and finalised by the professional operational level of inter-organisational teamwork and leadership.

LUMC Campus
Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DV Den Haag
Health care professional € 1.250,00  
PhD (candidate) € 625,00  
Student for free