• Start date:
  • 8 October 2018
  • Duration:
  • 5 days
  • Intended Audience:
  • Medical specialist

Please note that this course is accessible on invitation only.

This course is the comprehensive muscoloskeletal MRI module of the Erasmus program. The Erasmus program has been organizing interactive MR teaching courses throughout Europe since 1991 (www.emricourse.org).
European CME credits (ECMEC) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) have been applied for.

Learning objectives
After participating to this course consisting of formal lectures, discussion generated by the students and teachers, and case oriented interactive teaching sessions, the participant will be able to:

  1. Perform and analyze clinical musculoskeletal MR studies of joints, bones, & soft tissue with traumatic, degenerative, tumorous, & infectious diseases.
  2. Effectively select patients who will benefit from MR
  3. Choose the appropriate MR approach within the clinical context.

Who should attend
Radiologists, residents in radiology, physicians requesting and using musculoskeletal MR in their clinical work. A basic knowledge of MR is required.

Hans Bloem-Leiden; Mark Davies-Birmingham; Christian Glaser-Munich; Andrew Grainer-Leeds; Herwig Imhof-Vienna; Milko de Jonge-Amsterdam; Apostolos Karanthanis-Heraklion; Eva Llopis-Valencia; Mario Maas-Amsterdam; Lia Mouopoulos-Athens, Vasco Mascarenhas-Lisbon; Ana Navas-Leiden; Phil O'Connor-Leeds; Edwin Oei-Rotterdam; Victor Pullicino-Oswestry; Monique Reijnierse-Leiden; Carla van Rijswijk-Leiden; Maryam Shahabpour-Brussels; Reto Sutter-Zurich; Nora Voormolen-Leiden.

Refund of registration fee (less administrative costs) will be made when cancellation is received before July 1, 2018. No refund is possible if cancellation is received after this date.


Registration fee

Certified radiologists: € 800
Residents (with certification) € 600

Fee includes syllabus, coffee breaks, lunches, reception & a social event including dinner.

Registration is accepted after full payment of the fee!

There is a special hotel offer available for participants. If you want to use this special offer, please select one of the hotels upon subscription. The Course Secretary will contact you to confirm the booking. The hotels are within 3-10 minutes walking distance from the venue, center and train station.