• Start date:
  • 5 January 2018
  • Duration:
  • 1 daypart
  • Intended Audience:
  • Other

To re-sit the exam on 5 January 2018 you will have to enroll before 21 December 2017 (11.00 AM). 

The exam comprises two parts:

  • Multiple choice questions; no liter-ature will be allowed (closed book exam);
  • Essay questions; course material of choice is allowed to be consulted (open book exam).

At the exam you will be asked for valid identification, such as a passport or a driving license.
You are allowed to use a ruler or geometrical triangle.
Each of the two parts of the exam will be judged with a mark; the mean of the two marks will determine the final mark. On calculating the multiple choice result, a correction factor for at random filling in will be applied.
In order to qualify for a diploma, a rounded final mark of at least 5.5 is condition-al. If you do not pass the exam, you will have to resit the complete exam. Would you like to look into your exam work afterwards, you are invited to contact the course staff (within 30 days after announcement of the examination results). You will be informed on the results by a letter four weeks after the examination date; the diploma will be enclosed.

The course is officially recognised by the “Tijdelijke regeling erkenning opleidin-gen deskundigen radioactieve stoffen en toestellen 2013”, see: https://zoek.officielebekendmakingen.nl/stcrt-2013-34306.html
All course participants who took part in the practical lab and sat the exam, both with sufficient results, will be awarded a diploma “Stralingsdeskundigheid niveau 5B” (Radiation Protection level 5B).


5 January 2018

13:00 Part one: multiple choice questions
14:00 Part two: essay questions (with calculations)
15:00 End of exam
Drs. S. van Dullemen
Stralingsdeskundige, LUMC
Re-sit Exam (5 January 2018) € 75