• Start date:
  • 1 January 2021
  • Duration:
  • 1 daypart
  • Intended Audience:
  • Resident physician, General practitioner, Medical specialist, PhD, Physician assistant, Geriatric, Nurse practitioner


  • ABAN:
  • 13
  • VSR:
  • 13

Clinical Kidney, Pancreas and Islet Transplantation

As of the March 12th 2018 onwards, medical professionals can for the first time obtain Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit, for successfully finishing the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on kidney transplantation. Through interactive lectures, unique animated movies and real time videos, medical students, health care professionals and even transplant patients, learn everything about the world of clinical kidney transplantation. So far around 10,000 people worldwide, have already enrolled in the course.

Until now the course offered every learner the possibility to follow the course for free, purchase a verified certificate, or follow the course for academic credits (EC’s) as part of of the Virtual exchange program from 9 (inter)national universities. The options to obtain credits, expands with the option for Continuing Medical Education (CME). Depending on the workload, 5 to 13 credit points can be obtained in collaboration with Boerhaave Continuous Medical Education.

By earning credits, medical professionals can meet the requirement as professional to maintain their competence and update their knowledge about new developments in the field. By offering MOOCs, Leiden University aims to stimulate flexible, easy accessible, high quality education for learners world wide. In the future, Leiden university Medical Centre aims to accredited more of it’s MOOCs in order to stimulate ‘lifelong learning’ for medical professionals. 

The Massive Open Online Course was developed in collaboration with the University’s Centre for Innovation. In the coming spring this course will be enriched with a unique learning track, involving 360 virtual reality on transplantation surgery. More information on the course and the CME accreditation can be found on the course page of the MOOC Clinical Kidney Transplantation   

Target group: Health care professionals who works in the (pre) clinical transplant field, other health care professionals and general practitioners who would like to request CME credit for following the Clinical Kidney, Pancreas and Islet Transplantation MOOC

Please find the Open online course on Clinical Kidney Transplantion here: https://www.coursera.org/learn/clinical-kidney-transplantation


Registration of CME credit points

In order to obtain your CME credit points, please indicate which type of course you have followed and pay the corresponding fee.

Step 1
Select one of the four options:

1. Basic course Earned certificate = 5 CME points                                               € 125,-
2. Basic course with 4 e-tivities Earned certificate = 9 CME points                      € 200,-
3. Basic course with honors Earned certificate = 9 CME points                           € 200,-
4. Basic course with honors + 6 e-tivities Earned certificate = 13 CME points     € 275,-

Step 2
Fullfil the payment requirements

Step 3
Go to My Boerhaave and upload the Coursera Certificate and in case of e-tivities, also upload the obtained approval.

Choose your program

* One choice obligatory
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