• Start date:
  • 19 April 2023
  • Duration:
  • 3 days
  • Intended Audience:
  • PhD

This course will give a broad overview of topics in meta-analysis. Most standard topics in meta-analysis will be covered, such as risk of bias analysis, searching studies, fixed versus random effect models, heterogeneity, publication bias, differences between meta-analysis of randomized trials and meta-analysis observational studies. The course will briefly cover some more advanced topics (bivariate meta-analysis, combining different metrics, network analysis).

Course material
All study materials are supplied electronically only in the Boerhaave Learning Environment, and will be made available about 2 weeks prior to the course.

Basic knowledge of statistics (equivalent to the Boerhaave course "Basic methods and reasoning in Biostatistics").

A computer / laptop with proper internet access for all participants is mandatory. Students also need the STATA software or R software (R and R studio) pre-installed. No pre-knowledge of the software is required. A temporary Stata license will be provided. In practical sessions, students will perform a standard meta-analysis by themselves.

Teaching environment
Lectures and practical sessions

Certificate of attendance
In order to obtain a proof of participation, all lectures should be attended. If you have participated for the full 3 days, you will receive a certificate of attendance within two weeks. Those who are enrolled in the Epidemiology-B programme of the department of clinical epidemiology, should make an extra post-course assignment, which will be graded.

Course material (PowerPoint, exercises etc.) are all in English. Lectures are also in English.

Target group
Master and PhD students in the bio-medical sciences.

Organizing committee

  • Prof. dr. Olaf Dekkers
  • Prof. dr. Saskia le Cessie
08.45 Registration
09:00 Introduction to the course
Prof. dr. Olaf Dekkers
09:10 Meta-analysis: Why & how?
Prof. dr. Olaf Dekkers
10:15 Break
10:30 The statistical approach
Prof. dr. Saskia le Cessie
11:30 Heterogeneity and risk of bias
Prof. dr. Olaf Dekkers
12:45 Lunch break
13:15 Pooling effect estimates I
Prof. dr. Saskia le Cessie
14:15 Practical 1: Pooling effects
Prof. dr. Saskia le Cessie
15:15 End of day 1
08:45 Registration
09:00 Heterogeneity: Statistical
Prof. dr. Saskia le Cessie
10:00 Publication bias
Prof. dr. Olaf Dekkers
10:30 Break
10:45 Meta-analysis of observational studies
Prof. dr. Olaf Dekkers
11:30 Practical 2: Risk of bias analysis
Prof. dr. Olaf Dekkers
12:30 Lunch break
13:15 Publication bias: Statistical
Prof. dr. Saskia le Cessie
14:45 Break
15:00 Practical 3: Publication bias and meta regression
Prof. dr. Saskia le Cessie
16:00 End of day 2
  FRIDAY 21 APRIL 2023
08:45 Registration
09:00 Pooling different effect measures
Prof. dr. Olaf Dekkers
09:45 Break
10:00 Pooling effect estimates : binary outcomes
Prof. dr. Saskia le Cessie
11:15 Practical 4: Publication bias and meta regression
Prof. dr. Saskia le Cessie
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 Tips and tricks for data-extraction
Prof. dr. Saskia le Cessie
14:00 Network meta analyses + practical
Prof. dr. Saskia le Cessie
15:00 Final remarks
Prof. dr. Saskia le Cessie
15:30 End of course
Prof. dr. Cessie, S. Le (EPI)
LUMC, Hoogleraar Epidemiologie
Prof. Dr. O.M. Dekkers
Albinusdreef 2, 2333 ZA Leiden

Building: 1
Lecture Hall 2

Route description to the LUMC and parking

Regular course fee € 550,-
Reduced fee for PhD students LUMC  € 150,-
Reduced fee for employees LUMC € 150,-
BA/MA students of the Leiden University            Free of charge *
BA/MA students of other universities (non Leiden University)     
€ 75,-*

* Limited places available. In order to validate your student registration, you must register with your student e-mail address and submit your student number on the registration form. In addition, a scan of your student pass will have to be submitted to boerhaavenacholing@lumc.nl. Please note that a € 45,- cancellation fee will be charged to students who do not attend the course (no show), or cancel their registration.